Watch it live on YouTube, on the 26th of September @ 18.30 (CET): https://youtu.be/9BBeNoqYiHg
UNESCO has organized a World Conference on Cultural Policies and Sustainable Development – MONDIACULT 2022 – aiming at fully integrating culture as a global public good in the post-2030 Agenda for an inclusive and sustainable development. As a side event to the global conference, we are hosting an online talk on the 26th of September @ 18.30 (CET), organized in collaboration with the UNESCO Chair – University of Genoa.
Join us to know more about our project on the Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu: how to preserve its cultural and natural value continuing to welcome tourists from all over the world.
Expert presentations will be followed by a 30-minute Q&A.
Further Description: The Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu has become a major icon of international heritage – both cultural and natural ones. It has been attracting, over the years, huge numbers of tourists, challenging its capacity and posing relevant risks when it comes to its preservation and conservation. The COVID-19 pandemic has stopped mass travels, showing at the same time how important it is welcoming travelers in order to communicate such world heritage and its outstanding universal value, while at the same time ensuring the sustainability of tourism development. Digital media might play a relevant role in striking this complex and dynamic equilibrium.
Event agenda
“Digital archiving of OUV resources for specialist and experts”, Adine Gavazzi, UNESCO Chair University of Genoa
“Building the image of a UNESCO site and evaluating the conservation status through professional photographs”, Josè Maria Bastante, Director of the National Archaeological Park of Machu Picchu
“Strategic planning for a sustainable tourism”, Miguel Zamora-Salas, Manager of the National Archeological Park of Machu Picchu
“Digital communication of the OUV of a UNESCO site”, Lorenzo Cantoni and Silvia De Ascaniis, UNESCO Chair Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano
“How to imagine and represent the OUV of Machu Picchu without having been there”, Anna Picco-Schwendener, UNESCO Chair Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano
Moderator: Tania Re, UNESCO Chair University of Genoa