On Thursday, 09.12.2021, USI UNESCO Chair Team members Elide Garbani-Nerini and Silvia De Ascaniis presented their study on the “Online communication strategies of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe” at the 1st Cultural Routes Academic Workshop during Session 1 “Digital Technology meets Cultural Routes: tools, strategies, and trends”.

The presented paper can be downloaded here: https://www.unescochair.usi.ch/hthic2020. 

Find here the full program:https://rm.coe.int/06122021-academic-workshop-biosketches-eng/1680a4cbd3.

Find here the summary of the workshop (with the other video recordings): https://www.coe.int/en/web/cultural-routes/academic-workshop

The recording below covers the introduction and Session 1. The presentation by the USI UNESCO Chair starts around 01:06.