Dr. Rayviscic Mutinda Ndivo holds a Ph.D in Tourism and Hospitality Management specializing in Tourism Management and Destination Competitiveness. He is a Lecturer in the department of Tourism Management at Kenyatta University, Kenya and currently a visiting Post-Doctoral Researcher in the UNESCO Chair in ICT to develop and promote sustainable tourism in World Heritage Sites based in the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), Switzerland. Dr. Mutinda has previously served as a member of the Committee of Experts in the formulation of the IGAD regional Tourism Master Plan and currently appointed by the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) as the National Tourism Consultant in the formulation of the Sustainable Tourism Master Plan for Ethiopia. In addition, he is also serving as the Tourism Advisor to the Government of the Makueni County, Kenya, in the mapping of the county tourism resources and services.