The 8th Seminar of the UNESCO Chair and UNITWIN/UNESCO Network «Culture, Tourism, Development» took place last December 6th, at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris.
The seminar tackeld the issue of Tourism and Technologies of Information in UNESCO World Heritage Sites. It was organized by the UNESCO Chair and UNITWIN/UNESCO Network «Culture, Tourism, Development» (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris, France), in collaboration with the UNESCO World Heritage Center, ICOMOS France, the Association des Biens Français du Patrimoine Mondial, and the UNESCO Chair at USI – Università della Svizzera italiana (Lugano, Switzerland).
The audience counted more than 200 people, and among the speakers was also the Director of UNESCO World Heritage Centre, Ms Mechtild Rössler. The complete program can be found here in English and in French. Some pictures below.
During the event, the new MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on “Tourism Management at UNESCO World Heritage Sites” was presented.