UNESCO Chair in ICT to develop and promote sustainable tourism in World Heritage Sites 

Master in International Tourism

Università della Svizzera italiana offers a Master in International Tourism (MIT), run by the Faculty of Economics in collaboration with the Faculty of Communication Sciences. The USI UNESCO Chair is deeply involved in this Master, through teaching, research, internships and theses opportunities.

Our Mission

Established in September 2013, USI UNESCO Chair is committed to perform research and teaching on how Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and digital media in general, can be effectively used to develop and promote sustainable tourism at World Heritage Sites (WHSs).

Open Access Chapters

We are happy to announce the publication of the Handbook on Heritage, Sustainable Tourism and Digital Media, edited by Silvia De Ascaniis and Lorenzo Cantoni, published by Edward Elgar: https://doi.org/10.4337/9781788970082.


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PhD Project featured on SOAS China Institute Blog

In October 2022, Lea Hasenzahl's PhD project on the discourse about Chinese Outbound Tourism (COT) in the West (working title, supervised by Prof. Lorenzo Cantoni) has been featured on the blog of the China Institute at SOAS University of London. SOAS was founded in...

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State of Asia 2022 Conference

PhD candidate, Lea Hasenzahl, participated and attended as a Gen A Fellow in the State of Asia Address and Conference 2022 in Zurich (9 - 10 November 2022), which was organized by the Asian Society Switzerland.  "Gen A is a learning and leadership development platform...

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