USI UNESCO Chair participated to the first Executive Board Meeting of ATHENA
ATHENA (Association of Tourism, Hospitality and Events Networks in Academia) has the mission of sharing knowledge, experience and expertise, and supporting scientific excellence in tourism amongst research centres/institutes internationally. Its...
7th UNESCO Unitwin Conference
USI UNESCO Chair participated in the 7th UNESCO UNITWIN conference “World Heritage and tourism innovation - responding to the challenges in a changing world”, which took place between 15th and 20th May 2022 in Portorož, Slovenia, at the University...
Women in Big Data Conference 2022
PhD Candidate, Lea Hasenzahl, presented her PhD project "Exploring the public discourse around Chinese Outbound Tourism in Western societies (working title)" at the Women in Big Data 2022 Conference in Zürich (18 - 20 May, 2022). The Confernece...
Open access chapters of the Handbook on Heritage, Sustainable Tourism and Digital Media
We are happy to announce the publication of the Handbook on Heritage, Sustainable Tourism and Digital Media, edited by Silvia De Ascaniis and Lorenzo Cantoni, published by Edward Elgar: The volume explores the...
Brownbag Session: Are Social Media getting the key marketing tool for heritage destinations, Engelbert?
Research Advisor, Dr. Engelbert Ruoss, is presenting how Social Media can be used as management tool to foster sustainable tourism development and to balance over and under tourism. The event is organised by the UNESCO Chair on Sustainable...
Sustainable Universiy Day
Last Friday 29 of April we took part to the Sustainable Universiy Day organized by USI & SUPSI at Mendrisio in USI & SUPSI campus, the event was supported by the Swiss Academies of Sciences through the U Change initiative. Program of the...
Trasmettere Gestire Valorizzare – Corso di formazione per gli archvisti ecclesiastici
Travel, Sustainability & Technology
With the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, tourism as a lifestyle sector faced one of its worst crises up to date. As many countries are relaxing restrictions and international travel seems to be able to return, it is time to critically think...
Erasmus+ #ICT4STD Summer School in Berlin
The (Spring) Summer School took place in Berlin from March 4th until March 12th, 2022. The purpose of the Summer School was to bring together multinational teams of students from the four partner universities of the Erasmus+ #ICT4STD project in...
Visit of Jose Bastante, head of the National Archaeological Park of Machu Picchu
On Thursday, 3rd of March, 2022, the USI UNESCO Chair had the pleasure to welcome Jose Bastante, head of the National Archaeological Park of Machu Picchu. He presented his recent publication “Machupicchu Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias”, and...
USI UNESCO Chair @ ENTER22 (12. – 14.01.2022)
The USI UNESCO Chair contributed to the ENTER22 with three full papers. Moreover, Prof. Lorenzo Cantoni moderated a research track. Our first presenters on Day 2 of the conferencewere Elide Garbani-Nerini and Elena Marchiori! Together with...
Congratulations to Lazare Eloundou Assomo!
The USI UNESCO Chair congratulates Lazare Eloundou Assomo for the appointment as the new director of the UNESCO World Heritage Center. In 2019, chair holder, Lorenzo Cantoni, had the honor to share a stage with him during the USI MEM Summer Summit!...
USI UNESCO Chair @ 1st Cultural Routes Academic Workshop
On Thursday, 09.12.2021, USI UNESCO Chair Team members Elide Garbani-Nerini and Silvia De Ascaniis presented their study on the "Online communication strategies of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe" at the 1st Cultural Routes Academic...
UNESCO Chair team members taught one “New Media for Tourism Communication” class!
Back to class! USI UNESCO Chair team members, Ilaria Rosani, Elide Garbani-Nerini and Lea Hasenzahl taught one class of "New Media for Tourism Communication" (Autumn Semester 2021-22) about eLearning, as well as overtourism and ICTs in November...
iWareBatik Hackathon
In cooperation with 33 Indonesian universities nationwide involving 156 Indonesian bachelor students, International iWareBatik Ideas Hackathon Event 2021 was held on 15 and 29 October 2021. At this event, the students presented an interactive...
The Italian Youth Association for UNESCO (AIGU) meet the Italian cities candidates as UNESCO Creative cities: Como and Modena
On the 19th October at 17:30, our scientific collaborator, Giulio Del Giudice, has been the moderator of an event organized by the Italian Youth Association for UNESCO (AIGU). The Italian cities candidates for UNESCO Creative cities: Como and...
International Online Summer School 2021 “The era of Innovation in the Tourism Industry”
From 4th to 10th of October, USI UNESCO Chair team members, participated and taught during the Erasmus+ International Online Summer School "The era of Innovation in the Tourism Industry". The Summer School had around 18 international students...
Unite4Heritage: Heritage in Conflicts, Stolen and Contested
When: 26 October 2021 / 18:30 - 20:00 Where: Auditorium, West Campus LuganoR. Riccardi was born in Bari (Italy) in 1966 and is currently in charge of IT Carabinieri for the Protection of Cultural Heritage. He has attended Military School...
Lorenzo Cantoni @ 10th Cultural Routes Annual Advisory Forum (29-09. – 1.10.2021)
Chair holder, Lorenzo Cantoni, held a keynote speech at the 10th Cultural Routes Annual Advisory Forum (29.09. - 01.10.2021) on October 1st, 2021 during Session 2: Innovative Cultural Routes: Digital and user-generated (09.00-11.00 CET/11.00 -...
Lorenzo Cantoni @ Digitalizza la cultura. Nuove mediazioni dei patrimoni audiovisivi (27.10.2021)
Data: Mercoledì 27 ottobre 2021 Luogo: LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura Il Sistema per la valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale (SVPC) coglie l’invito della Giornata mondiale del patrimonio audiovisivo indetta dall’UNESCO proponendo una serie di...
Silvia De Ascaniis @ Tecnologia, spazzatura e sostenibilità (11.09.2021)
Una tecnologia digitale più inclusiva e sostenibile è possibile. Nella discussione si parlerà sia dell'impatto ambientale dei nostri dispositivi elettronici che dell'impatto sociale del digital-divide. Quali strategie e astuzie possiamo adottare...
Call for Paper – 3rd International Conference on Tourism, Gastronomy, and Tourist Destination (TGDIC2021)
THE 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on TOURISM, GASTRONOMY, and TOURIST DESTINATION (TGDIC 2021) - CALL FOR PAPER The Trisakti School of Tourism is inviting you to submit your paper and present at the 3rd International Conference on Tourism,...
USI UNESCO Chair @ Summer Campus 2021
The USI UNESCO Chair participated in the USI Summer Campus 2021 (19. - 31.07.2021). Prof. Cantoni, Lea Hasenzahl and Puspita Ayu Permatasari taught the course "digital media & heritage". Moreover, visits to the World Heritage Sites, Bellinzona...
Prof. Cantoni & Dr. Silvia De Ascaniis @ SECOND ANNUAL EAST AFRICAN TOURISM SYMPOSIUM 28TH – 29TH JULY 2021
Prof. Lorenzo Cantoni was a keynote speaker at this year's virtual Symposium at the second annual East African Tourism Symposium (28th-29th of July, 2021). The overall theme of his session was "Embracing New Opportunities in Culture and Heritage...